Getting Started | Website Questionnaire Please tell us your nameWhat is the company name?What is the best email address to contact you on? What is the best phone number to contact you on?Do you have a logo? If so please upload a digital copy. Ideally, we are looking for a vector image (.ai or .eps) but we can make do with whatever you have.* Yes, I'll upload the file in the Website Assets section Yes, I'll email the file No Do you have a colour pallet? If not we will base it on your logo.* Yes, I'll upload it in the Website Assets section Yes, I'll email it No Do you have photographs / Images to go on the website? If so please upload them in the Website Assets section. If not take a look at or for free images, or for paid images. We can also arrange a photographer if need be.* Yes, I'll upload them in the Website Assets section Yes, I'll email them No Do you have your website content ready? If not we can populate the site with Lorem Ipsum to get you started. You can find out about Lorem Ipsum at* Yes, I'll upload it in the Website Assets section Yes, I'll email it No Are there any websites that you like? Please give the URLs below*And a reason why, e.g. "I like because of the large header"Are there any websites that you do not like? Please give the URLs below*And a reason why, e.g. "I don't because of the footer"Do you have a list of pages that you want on the site? Please list them belowWhich social media networks do you use and want links to on the site? Please give us the links to your accountsWhat contact details do you want on the site? Please provide Company Name, Address, Phone Number etc.Website AssetsPlease upload, any content, photos or logos you want to add to your site. By uploading files here you are confirming you have the correct permissions to use them on your website.File Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 256 MB.