Getting Started | Website Style Questionnaire Step 1 of 4 25% Please tell us your name*What is your company name?*What is the best email address to contact you on?*What is the best phone number to contact you on?*FontsClassic Fonts*Strongly DislikeDislikeNeutralLikeStrongly LikeElegant FontsStrongly DislikeDislikeNeutralLikeStrongly LikeInformal Fonts*Strongly DislikeDislikeNeutralLikeStrongly LikeDramatic Fonts*Strongly DislikeDislikeNeutralLikeStrongly LikeModern Fonts*Strongly DislikeDislikeNeutralLikeStrongly LikeBold Fonts*Strongly DislikeDislikeNeutralLikeStrongly LikeIf you like different fonts please let us know here. ColoursPlease note these are not the actual colours we are suggesting just examples of colour palette styles.Monochrome Monochrome*Strongly DislikeDislikeNeutralLikeStrongly LikeMonochromatic Monochromatic*Strongly DislikeDislikeNeutralLikeStrongly LikePastels Pastels*Strongly DislikeDislikeNeutralLikeStrongly LikeComplimentary Complimentary*Strongly DislikeDislikeNeutralLikeStrongly LikeContrasting Contrasting*Strongly DislikeDislikeNeutralLikeStrongly LikeIf you like different colours please let us know here. StylesRealismMost websites would go with realism. In fact, it is encouraged. Realism is basically websites that are using photos as their main focus. Whether it’s people, food, render of products or even fashion. This is used mainly to convey transparency of their offerings, “you get what you see”. Realism*Strongly DislikeDislikeNeutralLikeStrongly LikeFontsFont based website design is basically using different type of fonts to convey the website as a whole. This is also a combination of accent, two-toned and color gradients. The downside of using fonts website design style is getting it right. You have to know which word to prioritize. Fonts*Strongly DislikeDislikeNeutralLikeStrongly LikeFlatFlat Design style is not uncommon. It was made popular in 2015. Flat designs are mostly images/ graphics in 2D and can sometimes be layered. Hence the name flat. Flat*Strongly DislikeDislikeNeutralLikeStrongly LikeIsometricFrom a glance is similar to Flat Design websites, but the term isometric suggest that it’s 3D and same dimension throughout. Isometric can be really challenging to build, because lots of bespoke graphics will need to be designed. Isometric website design style can take some time to build. The good thing is, it’s very unique and shows your identity. Isometric*Strongly DislikeDislikeNeutralLikeStrongly LikeFreehandFrom a glance is similar to Flat website design style, is unique and normally a mix of realism and flat design. The downside of this design, it can get really messy. Freehand*Strongly DislikeDislikeNeutralLikeStrongly LikeMinimalMinimal design is based on “cut the fat” and focus on cleanliness. While it does look like a very simple website, the process behind it isn’t! The first thing we need to do, is gather every element you want in a website, then remove “the fat” bit by bit. Minimal*Strongly DislikeDislikeNeutralLikeStrongly LikeAre there any other websites or styles that you like? AnimationNavigationNavigation is one of the most common animations on websites. Hidden navigation has become particularly trendy today, as they provide a smoother user experience. You only need to click on the icon to be directed to the next stage. Navigation Effects*Strongly DislikeDislikeNeutralLikeStrongly LikeCreation EffectsCreative effects allow you to add special features that can make your site stand out. Creation Effects*Strongly DislikeDislikeNeutralLikeStrongly LikeDynamic BackgroundsDynamic backgrounds are one of the best animation effects for websites. An animated web page design makes the user journey memorable and helps build an emotional connection with a user. Background animations should complement the existing content of your website rather than be at the center of the user’s attention. Dynamic Backgrounds*Strongly DislikeDislikeNeutralLikeStrongly LikeScrolling EffectsScrolling used in longreads usually helps create an emotional connection with viewers. Break content into different segments and add web animations in between to make the interaction more interesting for users. Scrolling Effects*Strongly DislikeDislikeNeutralLikeStrongly LikeAny other animation effects you like?